Abandono y negligencia infantil

 In spanish

El Código Penal de California establece lo siguiente para el delito de ABANDONO Y NEGLIGENCIA INFANTIL:

(a) Cualquier persona que intencionalmente inflija lesiones corporales que resulten en una condición traumática a una víctima descrita en la subdivisión (b) es culpable de un delito grave y, al ser declarado culpable, será castigado con prisión en la prisión estatal por dos, tres o cuatro años, o en una cárcel del condado por no más de un año, o por una multa de hasta seis mil dólares ($6,000), o por ambas, multa y prisión.

(b) La subdivisión (a) se aplicará si la víctima es o fue una o más de las siguientes personas:

(1) El cónyuge o ex cónyuge del infractor.

(2) El conviviente o ex conviviente del infractor.

(3) El prometido o prometida del infractor, o alguien con quien el infractor tenga, o haya tenido anteriormente, un compromiso o una relación de noviazgo, según se define en el párrafo (10) de la subdivisión (f) de la Sección 243.

(4) La madre o el padre del hijo del infractor.

(c) Para constituir convivencia no es necesario pretender ser cónyuge de la persona con quien se convive, tal como se utiliza el término en esta sección.

Una “condición traumática” significa una condición del cuerpo, como una herida o lesión externa o interna, incluidas, entre otras, lesiones como resultado de estrangulamiento o asfixia, ya sea de naturaleza menor o grave, causada por un fuerza fisica. Para los fines de esta sección, “estrangulación” y “asfixia” incluyen impedir la respiración o circulación normal de la sangre de una persona aplicando presión en la garganta o el cuello.

(Modificado por Stats. 2022, Ch. 197, Sec. 13. (SB 1493) A partir del 1 de enero de 2023.)

Como ocurre con cualquier delito, hay defensas disponibles para los acusados de abandono y negligencia infantil. Dichas defensas incluyen: el acusado no cometió un acto intencional, o existe una justificación o excusa legal para el acto, o el acusado fue acusado falsamente de cometer este tipo de delito.

Cualquier acusado tiene derecho a una defensa fuerte y vigorosa. Nuestros Abogados de Defensa Penal tienen décadas de experiencia en la defensa de cualquier conducta criminal. Representamos a clientes en las áreas de San Diego, Condado Norte de San Diego, Orange, Anaheim y Los Ángeles.

Organised crime accusations are serious ones and may get you land in jail. Get Help today

Immigrations proceedings after Covid 19

In light of the current pandemic, apart from an evident health crisis, our nation’s immigration system took a huge toll. The affect is not just limited to the immigration law and practice but also extended to the immigration policies. The pandemic impacted the speed of the immigration proceedings. Whether you are an undocumented worker on the Pandemic’s Front Lines or a refugee. Whether you are located in San Diego, Los Angeles or anywhere else in the United States. Whether you need to apply for Asylum, Withholding of removal or Convention against torture. We can offer you guidance based on our wide range of expertise in the immigration field.

Speed up your immigration proceedings with us

If you are struggling to navigate your immigration proceedings while battling the pandemic, WE ARE YOUR ANSWER. We, at Central Law Group provide the most suitable services curated for your needs. Whether you need an in-person consultation or remote services. We are your one-stop solution, starting from helping you get a certified psychologist to evaluate your mental health to delivering the best outcome of your immigration proceedings. We will be by your side along the whole journey. We, at Central Law Group acknowledge the economic struggles due to the COVID-19 and aim to provide you with the best legal guidance for the most economical fees.

Expert legal consultants who are waiting to help you out of organized crime accusations

Get immediate legal help at your door step for immigration issues

When the coronavirus arrived in the United States, it posed an immediate threat to those illegal immigrants, who had been arrested and detained. Detainees, unlike those who reside outside of these facilities, are unable to socially isolate themselves because they are confined in-there alongside hundreds of other people. Is any member of your family stuck at the detention centre? We have a team of lawyers with immeasurable talent and extensive knowledge in this field, who can help you reunite with your family.

Arrested or detained? No matter your situation. We are here to help you

Expertise with knowledge in standard procedures of immigration

The intensity of the situation is undermined due to the inadequate data. US, like the rest of the world is also facing Economic crisis. As a result of past lockdowns and social distancing, the global trade and investments have been vastly impacted. If you are a skilled worker, who wishes to immigrate based on being qualified in a skilled trade or for the purpose of business or any other reason, our lawyers can attend to your every need by analysing the ever-evolving immigration laws.

The COVID 19 pandemic affected our lives and businesses in different ways but mostly it impacted the pattern of global migration. We, at Central Law Group firmly believe that the inclusion and development of migrants is a significant part to revive and stabilise our economy.

After Covid 19 legal help with immigration issues

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