Article 2 (blog b)

 In Criminal Defense

Article 2 (blog b)

After the effective date of this chapter, and thereafter until the Governor finds and proclaims that an emergency no longer exists in preparing for the national defense, or whenever the United States is engaged in war, or whenever a war emergency has been declared to exist by the President of the United States, the Attorney General may appoint for the duration of the war or emergency, as the case may be, such additional special criminal investigators not to exceed nine in number as he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. There shall not be more than 15 such investigators employed at any one time. The employment of such investigators shall terminate not later than 90 days after the conclusion of peace or the official termination of the emergency by the President or the Governor. (Added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 1385.)

11054. No investigation of the acts or conduct of any state agency or state official shall be initiated or made through or by the bureau or any employee thereof, without the authorization of the Attorney General particularly specifying the office, department or person to be investigated and the scope and purposes of the investigation.

(Added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 1385.)

(a) There is within the Department of Justice the Foreign Prosecution and Law Enforcement Unit designated with the responsibility for assisting local law enforcement agencies with foreign prosecutions, child abduction recoveries and returns under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, and law enforcement investigative matters. The unit is also responsible for assisting local law enforcement in obtaining information from foreign officials on foreign prosecution matters.

(b)The Foreign Prosecution and Law Enforcement Unit shall do all of the following:

(1)For those countries having extraterritorial jurisdiction allowing for the prosecution of their citizens for crimes committed in California, the unit shall, upon request, provide informational assistance to local law enforcement on foreign prosecution protocols and provide technical assistance in preparing investigative materials for forwarding and filing in international jurisdictions. The unit shall provide information and assistance on the scope and uses of foreign prosecution to California prosecutors and law enforcement agencies. The unit shall be responsible for tracking foreign prosecution cases presented by California law enforcement agencies. The unit shall collect information on a statewide basis regarding foreign prosecution cases for the primary purpose of analyzing the information it collects and disseminating its conclusions to local law enforcement agencies. Local law enforcement agencies shall retain the authority to prepare and present foreign prosecution cases without the assistance of the unit.

(2)The unit shall assist district attorneys in recovering children from Mexico, and, where appropriate, other countries either in court-ordered returns pursuant to the Hague Convention or voluntary returns.

(3)The unit shall, upon request, assist local law enforcement agencies and foreign law enforcement in formal requests under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. The unit shall, upon request, also assist California law enforcement agencies and foreign officials in informal requests for mutual legal assistance.

(4)The unit, under the direction of the Attorney General, shall provide information to local law enforcement on sensitive diplomatic issues.

(Amended by Stats. 2005, Ch. 22, Sec. 151. Effective January 1, 2006.)
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