competition issues in online economy

 In Economy

Legal expertise in online economy

Online economies are at the focal point of the turn of events and have had an impact of obsoleteness on various traditional economic sectors. The digital economies simply do not affect the nature of transactions of the firms but also its propensity of growth in terms of scale and speed. We at Central Law Group closely monitor the relevant enforcement structures and other components including but not limited to anti-competitive agreements, abusive dominance and merger regulations, with a special focus on the online economy.

Smart legal measure for difficulties faced in digital economy

In a traditional economy, a firm’s turnover signifies its market size, be that as it may, an online economy may manage different sides in an economy, where one side is alleviated by the other, suggesting a zero-priced market. The digital economy faces numerous new issues such as predatory pricing, some even operate on multi-sided platforms. A significant piece of the online economy depends on data centrality, and the stream of this information being passed around. Our lawyers are equipped with educational qualifications which make it easier to understand the technical aspect in your legal problem and hence, can serve you better.

Looking for legal service to prevent issues before it happens in your business?

Traditional laws leveraged for the digital era for safe online economy

The concept of promotion and protection of competitiveness in the digitalised economy contrasts with the regulations which prohibit monopolisation. The most pressing question, as to whether the carefully curated laws and policies specifically for the traditional markets are potent on the new age digital market? Here at CLG, we aim to effectively apply those laws and do not shy away from exploring the concept of forward thinking and application of various new tools suggested by international organizations such as the UN through its Conferences on Trade and Development and thoroughly update ourselves with the judicial application of laws and the judicial approach.

Get legal solutions right away

The interplay of these contrasting Antitrust practices need to strike a balance between preserving the competitiveness of the digitalised economy and curbing the influence of high market power and restrictive practices. We at Central Law Group are proficient with the fundamental concepts of both the anti-competitive negotiations & misuse of dominant status by market-powered companies. When needed, we apply the suitable provisions to give the best results YOU need.

Client-friendly approach

At a time when the structural changes brought on by the data and platform industries threaten the laws and regulations equipped to merely solve the issues in the traditional economy, our lawyers DO NOT capitulate. Instead, we aim to adapt and interfere the anti-trust laws intelligently and flexibly to suit the dynamically evolving market. We understand the value of adapting competition law systems and regulation to the characteristics and business models of emerging channels in order to help foster innovation and economic growth.

At central law get solutions for the anticipated issues of the digital era

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