Criminal Defense

 In Criminal Defense

Charged for a drug or weapon offense, or DUI, or for a domestic violence incident? You have no status in the United States or you only have a Green Card and now you are afraid you’ll lose it? First of all, you should know that whether you seek our legal expertise in Los Angeles, San Diego, Anaheim or Vista, our Central Law Group attorneys are never here to “judge” you or the circumstances that led to the charges against you. Instead, we are here for a one precise purpose only: to protect your rights, efficiently defend you and obtain the best possible result for you under the circumstances. You need the legal shield combined decades of legal experience our attorneys can provide you with. You will inevitably ask yourself important questions: “Should I speak with police or keep quiet? Am I incriminating myself by being silent? Who should I call? Why do I even need an attorney?”

In the rush of emotions that naturally choke you because of a criminal charge and its consequences, you will ask yourself such questions and more. One single wrong word, spoken at the wrong place and the wrong time may mean the difference between walking our free or getting a conviction. A simple nod could sometimes be all it takes to incriminate yourself. In the ever increasing and changing labyrinth you cannot afford to make mistakes. The biggest one you could make, if arrested or charged, is to not offer yourself the protective shield our attorneys are capable to provide you with. Central Law Group’s presence in Los Angeles, San Diego, Vista or Anaheim is not by chance. These areas have been under an increased scrutiny by law enforcement because of drug and weapon offenses, trafficking, as well as many other violent crimes like domestic violence, assaults, or robberies. Despite the seemingly easy and fast manner one could be arrested or charged with such a criminal offense, prosecutors must prove you are guilty based on a very high standard, called “beyond reasonable doubt.”

Remember, it is the prosecutor’s job to prove that you are guilty, not your defense lawyer to prove that you are not. Finding the correct and acceptable manner to prove the judge or the jury that at least one reasonable doubt exists that you had committed the drug, weapons, trafficking or domestic violence (as well as many other possible criminal offenses) you had been charged with may suffice to obtain your acquittal. Often times, individuals charged with a criminal offense, particularly “common” ones like drug possession or drug possession with intent to sell, domestic violence, theft, robbery, assault, as well as “white-collar” crimes that corporation executives may find themselves engaged into, take a plea agreement that is very difficult, and perhaps often impossible to undo. Even well before being presented with a plea agreement, the way you talk (or not talk) with investigative officers, the circumstances of your detention and possible release on bond, and subsequent communications most often have consequences that will affect your life for many years; sometimes forever.

You should not be in the position to undo a “damage” you already done to yourself by not having an experienced attorney at your side. You necessarily hear and see many attorneys advocating for their services. At Central Law Group, what makes us and our attorneys different is that we LISTEN first, as long as it takes. Only when we are certain we have ALL the facts, from you and from the police and prosecutor, only then we will present you with your options in a CLEAR and OBJECTIVE manner. Because, your success is our success.

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