How to save yourself from unnecessary criminal charges with help of professional lawyers?

 In Criminal Defense

Almost nothing scares someone more than a criminal charge. But are all criminal charges he same and do all of them require the same type of defense? Is a charge for driving under the influence or the DUI as it is commonly known the same as an attempted fraud or the same as a domestic violence charge? What’s different? What should you expect?

The first and most important thing to start with is to understand how this particular charge can affect your present and future life and what can be done about it and because of that you are very 1st step is to contact as soon as possible one of our very experienced attorneys.

What you should know about the criminal charges and their implications?

You should also know that a like what human nature tends to do you should not talk to any person or law enforcement official, because you do have rights. And the exercise of those rights can prove decisive in your case. You should also know that the government through the district attorney has a great burden to prove that you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt and this is where our defense of your case begins by trying to do just that… Raising reasonable doubt the QR the offender or that the criminal offense you committed raises to that high level of beyond reasonable doubt.

Professional legal service at par excellence to defend you at the best possible manner

What is an affirmative defense and how to handle a self-defense situation legally?

Of course, you have available in most situations a range of what is commonly known as affirmative defenses. For example, attempt crimes require that you had the specific intent to commit that particular target crime whether that is rape or fraud or murder, just to name a few examples. However, Even the most common forms of defense which many people know about unfortunately from often distorted facts in movies, self-defense, Is a world of legal complexities in itself. Did you start the fight or you were attacked, and did you use reasonable force – a most important element cited in any self-defense situation? How do you prove that the amount of force necessary, which is in actuality this concept of reasonable force, is what you applied in defending yourself?

As a simple example, you could not claim that you used reasonable force by shooting someone who attempted to spit on you. Conversely if someone threatens you with a knife and acts such dead he or she intends to carry out the criminal actyYou may act properly in self-defense and with the reasonable force required by pulling your gun and shooting the aggressor. But then again, what if The aggressor waving a knife with you is a 9 year old child and you are a 220 pounds adult male could the act of shooting the kid be Construed as using reasonable force in self-defense?

We handle self-defense scenarios with expertise and our legal professionals are experienced to handle any criminal case with proficiency

You are not alone, we are there to help you out any kind of criminal charges against you.

There are so many questions and so many answers at the same time and all depend upon the facts of your case and the nature of the often you have been charged with. Certain criminal offenses like rape domestic violence, robbery, battery arson burglary require the application of certain defenses while larceny, fraud or false pretenses may require other types of defenses.

Equally important, at central law group our attorneys have tried and defended hundreds of criminal cases. They are exceptionally equipped not only to answer your questions and calm your concerns but, most importantly, mount the best possible defense for your case. Unfortunately many criminal offenders advice from family, friends or other criminal offenders, even those incarcerated, the so-called “jailhouse lawyers.” This is a very costly mistake. Similarly a very costly mistake is to plead guilty at the arraignment hearing or blindly accept a plea agreement offered by the government in your criminal case. It may seem easy and reasonable to take a plea agreement just to shorten a period of incarceration or perhaps obtain probation instead of prison time but the reality is that oftentimes an effective defense could be mounted for your case and therefore conducing to a result there does not involve a dark spot on your life for the rest of it. A costly decision of accepting a plea agreement just because you are scared can be avoided, often times, by simply consulting with us.


Our experienced attorneys have defended many cases from basic DUI’s to drug and human trafficking, domestic violence, fraud, burglary, theft, rape and murder. Yes often times the commission of such crimes or their attempted commission comes with the embarrassment otherwise normally attached to such criminal acts. Our attorneys are not here to judge you. They are here to help you.

Call us and do not take more detrimental steps any further.

Our offices in San Diego San Diego North county Orange Irvine and Los Angeles stand ready to help you with any defense you may need. With honesty, reliability and affordability. This is what our firm stands for.

We are the best in providing the legal services for our clients in USA

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