Where to get the best criminal defense lawyers?

 In Criminal Defense

Unfortunately we are living in a world multiple temptations were even good people can make one single mistake in their lifetime whereby the rest of their life can potentially be affected in a very detrimental way sometimes you have a quarrel would your girlfriend or wife. What if your partner or even a neighbor calls the police and complain that they have witnessed someone who has been the victim of what he or she perceived as some sort of brutality. What do you do then? And this is just an example because criminal offenses and criminal defense for such offenses it’s nothing less than a sea of laws, rules, procedures and precedents all of which amounting to what may immediately or later mean the difference between your freedom or your incarceration.

Your criminal defense lawyers group

Central Law Group is a cutting edge criminal defense law firm whereby its lawyers do not merely show up with you in court attempting to get some sort of a deal with the Prosecutor. Instead our lawyers dig deep into the discovery process, which is the complete information the government or the prosecuting attorney provides to us. Based on this information our lawyers identify any kind of little cracks in the prosecutor case such that we have the necessary leverage to approach it in the most efficient manner. You should know that the prosecutor has the burden to prove that you have committed the alleged offense you had been charged with, in a manner called “beyond reasonable doubt.” This is a very high standard for the prosecutor because it means that he or she must prove it is “almost certain” you committed the alleged offense.

Extraordinary criminal defense lawyer firm

How we save you from criminal cases

Our Central Law group lawyer’s job is to ensure that they have carefully reviewed all the information provided to them in the discovery and beyond that if necessary, for the purpose to determine whether such “reasonable doubt” can be raised. Why is this so important? Well, it is extremely important because if we can raise this “reasonable doubt” that the offense or crime may have not been committed then the charge against you will be dismissed because the prosecutor did not meet his or her burden of proof. It is well known that probably 5 to 10% if not less of criminal defense lawyers pursue a deal with the government or the prosecutor that would minimally make you comfortable if possible central low group criminal defense attorneys go well, well beyond that we’ve there is a possibility to dismiss you your charge we will go for it whether that is a domestic violence as exemplified above, or theft, or a battery, or a drug or weapons charge and the list could go on and on.

We carefully review the information to dismiss criminal charges

Get criminal defense in California

Central Law Group’s offices are located throughout Southern California and this geographical coverage provide us with the advantage to adress quickly and effectively any kind of criminal offense you may be charged with. From San Diego to Vista, Escondido, San Marcos, Irvine, Orange or Los Angeles we are ready to meet with you at our offices or at your location if for some reason you are not mobile. Of course, in the unfortunate event you have been taken in custody, we will meet with you at your place of detention and we will determine what possibilities exist to have you released pending the prosecution of your case. Furthermore our Central Law Group criminal defense lawyers have decades of experience in successfully defending hundreds of criminal charges, from fraud assault, battery, domestic violence, drugs or weapons, all of which often including the charge of attempting to commit those specified crimes, if such crimes are of what is called “specific intent”, and further all the way to post conviction relief. Expertise and experience do not come naturally to everyone just because they are lawyers.

Experienced criminal lawyers

Our Central Law Group lawyers Acquired this expertise and experience through many years of hard work, study, aggressively defending clients and effectively negotiating with prosecutors. Based on the facts and circumstances of your case, this in itself amounts to a unique skill that our Central Law Lawyers possess and apply. This skill or ability requires confidence and confidence is something that is acquired, again, over many years of practice, and also in depth knowledge of the applicable law and case presidents. This is what distinguishes Central Law Group criminal defense attorneys from the other mass of lawyers who merely represent you in court for the purpose to obtain the easiest result possible and/or available to them, often without considering all the legal cracks that provide your criminal defense lawyer with the leverage necessary to achieve the best possible result not just a mere positive result, for your case. We are one call away.

Many years of expertise in defending criminal cases

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